
My Daily Makeup Routine

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I don’t know how others perceive me, whether as someone who doesn’t care about her look or as someone who does, but in reality I actually love putting on makeup. It’s like a nice little ritual to start off my activity. And by makeup, it doesn’t always mean having a perfect face contouring, a perfect winged liner, a fleek eyebrows, or a blinding highlighter. Sometimes it’s just putting on a small amount of BB cream, a face powder, a nude lipstick and then call it a day. But even though I love putting on makeup, I don’t always wear it everyday. There are days where I don’t mind to go out with zero makeup on, despite the fact that I might look like a walking zombie and scare the little kid. So my daily makeups are basically what I wear when I want to look more presentable and feel more human.

My daily makeup routine basically takes me about ten minutes (or can be up to 30 minutes if I do it while singing the entire song from one album). This little routine is missing certain parts that are probably important for some people, but I’m way too stingy and lazy to incorporate all the products to achieve a flawless looking face. Hey, it’s just for daily look, not a party. 12-hour full coverage foundation? No thanks, I’m not gonna wear my makeup that long. Every day we’re introduced to new products, formulas, trends, and colors, but what I should pay attention more is on how good it is on my skin and how affordable it is because I’m gonna wear it quite often. If you’re expecting to see any high-end brand then you’re clearly looking in the wrong post and you’re very welcome to stop reading by now. So, this is my daily makeup routine along with the products that I use on a daily basis for a natural look.

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I usually start out my morning with my morning skincare routine. I wrote about it here, you can check it out. Before putting on any makeup, I wait the skincare to absorb for about 5 minutes while I do other things like checking instagram, ironing my clothes, or simply thinking about how we’re all gonna die someday. But when I’m lazy I just cleanse my face with this Nivea Micellar Water or Sari Ayu Cleanser and then jump to the last step that is applying sunscreen. However you gotta make sure the canvas is clean enough before you start painting.

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The first step in my daily makeup routine is applying BB cream or foundation. This what I mean when I said that my routine is missing certain important parts. Yup, I don’t use primer. I only wear makeup for 6 hours tops and I don’t mind if it comes off in the middle of the day so for now I don’t need it that much. I usually just go straight to Wardah Everyday BB cream in shade natural or Wardah Everyday Luminous Liquid Foundation in shade light beige. For under 50,000 IDR, these product evens out your skin tone perfectly, but when it comes to covering acne scars, you might still need concealer do to the task. I usually skip concealer as well because acne scars and redness are not my skin problem and I’m not a big fan of highlighting my face with it. To set the BB cream or foundation, I usually wear Marcks Beauty Powder in shade rose. It contains salicylic acid which is great for those who struggle with acne and breakouts. Don’t ask me about how good the oil control is because my skin is hella dry and only produces a small amount of oil on the T-zone area.

And now for the brows. I don’t follow any specific order when it comes to doing my eye brows. Sometimes I do it before applying face powder, sometimes I do it before applying BB cream/foudation. I’ve heard enough of man saying “I hate girls who draw their eyebrows” but that doesn’t stop me from doing my eyebrows. I’m not a fan of full, super thick eyebrows. I usually just use whatever eyebrows pencil that can make my existing brows more prominent while still looking completely natural. As long as it’s not too creamy then I can definitely use it. But for now i’m using Purbasari Daily Series Eyebrow Pencil in black.

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I’m a newbie in this field. I don’t know really know how to contour and I don’t really care to figure it out. I just bought whatever product from whatever brand that I can afford, and I finally chose this Pixy Highlight & Shading. To be honest, the highlighter  is not so flattering, but I still use it to highlight my cheeckbone and brow bone. I highly recommed you to try another brand to achieve that glowing from within kinda look. But don’t worry, the shading is quite good to add more dimension to your face. Well this is the only contouring product I have ever used in my life I can’t say that it’s the best. On the inside of the package there’s an explanation on where to put which shade with direction, just in case contouring confuses you as much as it made me.

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I usually apply blush on after countouring my face and before applying highligther. I wear this Red A Blush On Duo, which also doubles as eyeshadow. I got my hand on this product last year when I did my own makeup for graduation day. I needed a blush on to complete my look so I stole this from my mom (always too broke to purchase a new one). Like the contouring product, I can’t say much about this product other than that it is not too pigmented. I have to swipe and apply a few times to achieve the color intensity that I want. But the plus side is I don’t have to worry about picking up too much product on my brush. At first I didn’t like this orange color because I used to think that blush on was supposed to be pink and other colors are weird. That’s why I bought another blush on –that’s surprisingly VERY, VERY, cheap– that is Viva Fin Touch Blush On, but it turnt out that it’s too way pink, and too pigmented so I end up using it as eyeshadow (I don’t have any eyeshadow brush so I just apply it with my finger) along with the Red A Blush On Duo. But then I realized that I’m more into orange and peach color so yeah the Red A one became my main blush. It already hit pan! (but it’s been more than a year so i’m thinking of repurchasing another one).

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You can never have too much lipstick. You should’ve heard that saying quite often. Now I have more than five lipstick but these four are pretty much what I put inside my makeup pouch. From left to right, it’s Wardah Exclusive Matte Lip Cream in shade saturday night (18), Pixy Lip Cream in shade sweet choco (10), Wardah Matte lipstick in shade velvety brown (14), and Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte in shade topaz (86). Recently I just realize that I’m more into orange-brown and terracota brown rather than mauve pink color. well, many beauty vloggers have raved about these products, the reviews and swatches are all over the internet so you can just google it up.

And that’s a wrap! No mascara, no fake lashes, no eye liner. Most of the products I mentioned above are under 50,000 IDR. Especially, it’s just for daily looks, not a makeup party. I usually add and change a few product when it comes to special occasion. And oh, I’m always excited to know what makeup products that other people wear, so, what’s your daily makeup routine?